1. DEFINIREA TERMENILOR CONTRACTUALI. In intelesul prezentului Contract, termenii de mai jos vor avea urmatoarele semnificatii: (a) „Clientul” – persoana fizica care achizitioneaza serviciul Home’Bank, fie direct in locatiile Bancii (ING Offices) fie prin oricare Tehnica de comunicare la distanta oferita de Banca si care devine utilizator al serviciului Home’Bank. (b)„Banca” - ING Bank N.V., persoana juridica de drept privat din Regatul Tarilor de Jos, constituita si functionand in baza legilor Regatului Tarilor de Jos, avand sediul social in Westeinde 1, cod postal 1017 ZN, Amsterdam, Regatul Unit al Tarilor de Jos, inmatriculata sub nr. 33031431 in Registrul Comertului de pe langa Camera de Comert si Industrie Amsterdam, prin sucursala sa din Romania, ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam – Sucursala Bucuresti, cu sediul social in Expo Business Park, str. Aviator Popișteanu, nr. 54A, Cladirea nr. 3, sector 1, Bucuresti, cod postal 012095, inregistrata sub nr. J40/16100/1994 la Oficiul Registrului Comertului Bucuresti, avand cod de inregistrare fiscala RO 6151100, nr. de inregistrare in Registrul Institutiilor de Credit RB-PJS-40-024/18.02.1999; inscrisa in Registrul de evidenta a prelucrarilor de date cu caracter personal cu notificarile nr. 1568, nr.10127, respectiv cu notificarea nr.30590 pentru scopul autentificarii clientilor Bancii; telefon: + 40 21 222 16 00; fax: + 40 21 222 14 01 (c) „Contractul” – Contractul privind furnizarea serviciului Home’Bank, Contract format din: (i) Cererea privind furnizarea serviciului Home Bank pentru persoane fizice, prezentele Conditii Generale si Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice, in cazul in care Contractul a fost incheiat in locatiile Bancii sau (ii) prezentele Conditii Generale si Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice, in cazul in care Contractul se incheie prin Tehnici de comunicare la distanta. Data incheierii Contractului este data la care Clientul primeste: (i) Codul de utilizator si Codul PINinitial in cazul Serviciului Home’Bank cu Digipass sau (ii) Codul de utilizator si Codul de activare, in cazul Serviciului Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass) (d) „serviciul Home’Bank” – serviciul furnizat Clientului de catre Banca, prin punerea la dispozitie a platformei Home Bank, ce permite Clientului efectuarea de operatiuni de plata, prin intermediul instrumentului de plata electronica cu acces la distanta de tip internet banking, din conturile sale deschise la Banca si/sau din conturile unei alte persoane fizice pe care este imputernicit, precum si administrarea relatiei de afaceri cu Banca fara a fi necesara prezenta Clientului intr-un ING Office. Serviciul Home’Bank este disponibil prin accesarea site-ului de internet, prin intermediul unui browser instalat pe un dispozitiv cu acces la internet (ex: PC, laptop, telefon mobil, etc) sau prin descarcarea Aplicatiei Home’Bank pentru tableta/smartphone, acesarea serviciului efectuandu-se pe baza Elementelor de securitate. Serviciul furnizat poate fi cu Digipass, cu conditia detinerii de catre Client a unui cont curent personal deschis la Banca, sau cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass), in functie de optiunea Clientului exprimata la momentul solicitarii serviciului. Prin exceptie, in cazul Contractelor incheiate la distanta, Banca pune la dispozitia Clientilor exclusiv serviciul Home Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass). (e) „Aplicatia Home’Bank pentru tableta/smartphone” – Aplicatia “ING Home’Bank” descarcata din App Store sau Play Store pe un dispozitiv cu acces la internet de tip tableta sau smartphone, prin care se acceseaza serviciul Home Bank pe baza Elementelor de securitate; (f) „Elementele de securitate” – caracteristicile personalizate furnizate Clientului de catre Banca in scopul identificarii, autentificarii, semnarii si securizarii datelor si instructiunilor transmise Bancii prin intermediul platfomei Home Bank pe parcursul comunicatiei electronice, elemente necesare accesarii si utilizarii serviciului Home’Bank: „Cod utilizator” – codul personal de identificare pe care Clientul il va utiliza pentru accesarea serviciului Home’Bank. Codul de utilizator initial este atribuit si comunicat Clientului de catre Banca la semnarea prezentului Contract si va putea fi modificat oricand de catre Client pe parcursul derularii acestuia. Prin exceptie, in cazul Contractelor incheiate la distanta, Codul utilizator este comunicat Clientului la adresa de email specificata de acesta in cererea pentru deschiderea relatiei de afaceri sau furnizata ulterior intr-o alta modalitate agreata de parti. Clientul va introduce Codul utilizator, la fiecare accesare a serviciului Home’Bank, pe site-ul mentionat la art. 1 lit. d) de mai sus. Digipass” - dispozitiv securizat furnizat Clientului de catre Banca la data incheierii prezentului Contract in vederea si accesarii si utilizarii serviciului Home’Bank, in cazul in care Clientul a optat pentru serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass; „Codul PIN” - parola numerica din 4 cifre care trebuie tastata pe Digipass de fiecare data cand se acceseaza o functie securizata din meniul Digipass-ului. Clientul isi va alege codul PIN la momentul primei utilizari a Digipass-ului si va pastra confidentialitatea cu privire la codul ales; „Cod” - o parola numerica din 6 cifre, generata automat de catre Digipass in urma tastarii codului PIN pe acest dispozitiv. Codul are o valabilitate de aproximativ 36 de secunde din momentul in care a fost generat si trebuie introdus pe site in vederea accesarii de catre Client a platformei Home’Bank; „Codul de tranzactie” - parola numerica formata din 6 – 8 cifre, generata de serviciul Home’Bank sub denumirea “tranzactie” atunci cand Clientul doreste efectuarea unei operatiuni. Codul de tranzactie trebuie tastat pe Digipass pentru a fi generat Codul de raspuns; „Codul de raspuns” - parola numerica formata din 7 cifre, generata de catre Digipass pe baza Codului de tranzactie, folosita pentru autorizarea unei operatiuni prin serviciul Home’Bank. „Parola” – parola unica aleasa si activata/validata de Client (i) la prima accesare a serviciului Home’Bank, utilizand Codul de activare transmis de Banca, in cazul serviciului Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass) sau (ii) prin accesarea site-ului, cu ajutorul Digipass-ului si urmand instructiunile transmise de Banca, daca s-a optat pentru serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass; in cazul in care o persoana utilizeaza serviciul Home’Bank atat in calitate de Client-persoana fizica, cat si in calitate de Utilizator al unui Client persoana juridica/alta entitate, pe baza aceluiasi Cod de Utilizator si Digipass, atunci activarea Parolei se va face atat pentru Clientul – persoana fizica, cat si pentru Clientul persoana juridica/alta entitate a carui Utilizator este. Parola este utilizata pentru accesarea si autorizarea operatiunilor in serviciul Home’Bank; in vederea accesarii Aplicatiei este necesara si introducerea Codului utilizator. In cazul in care s-a optat pentru serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass, ulterior activarii Parolei, Clientul va avea posibilitatea de a alege, la fiecare accesare a serviciului, daca doreste sa se autentifice si sa efectueze operatiuni fie pe baza de Parola, fie cu ajutorul Digipass-ului. Clientul poate solicita oricand dezactivarea Parolei (a) din Home’Bank Standard sau telefonic, apeland Banca la numarul +4031 406 24 64 sau *2464 , daca detine serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass sau (b) in orice ING Office daca detine serviciul Home’Bank cu parola si SMS (fara Digipass), in acest ultim caz dezactivarea Parolei echivaland cu dezactivarea serviciului Home’Bank. „Cod de activare” – cod alfanumeric format din 5 - 10 caractere transmis de Banca Clientului prin SMS la numarul de telefon mobil inregistrat in evidentele Bancii, la momentul incheierii Contractului, in cazul serviciului Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass). Perioada de valabilitate a Codului de activare este mentionata in mesajul SMS transmis de catre Banca. In cazul expirarii acestuia, Clientul poate solicita Bancii telefonic, la numarul mentionat la litera (a) de mai sus, un nou Cod de activare. , „Cod de autentificare” – cod numeric format din 6 cifre transmis de Banca Clientului prin SMS la numarul de telefon mobil inregistrat in evidentele Bancii, cod utilizat exclusiv pentru autentificarea Clientului in vederea accesarii serviciului Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass). Codul de autentificare impreuna cu Codul de Utilizator si Parola vor fi utilizate de catre Client pentru autentificarea acestuia doar atunci cand acesta utilizeaza un dispozitiv nou (ex. telefon, tableta, PC, laptop), altul decat cel(e) inregistrat(e) de Client pentru autentificari ulterioare. In situatia in care Clientul a solicitat inregistrarea dispozitivului de pe care acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass) pentru utilizari viitoare si, ulterior, acesta acceseaza de pe acel dispozitiv serviciului Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass), autentificarea Clientului se va realiza pe baza Codului de Utilizator si Parolei introduse de Client. „Confirmarea suplimentara a tranzactiei”- element suplimentar necesar alaturi de Codul de raspuns sau Parola pentru autorizarea anumitor operatiuni de plata, respectiv: (i) Cod SMS - parola numerica formata din 6 cifre, transmisa de catre Banca Clientului prin SMS la numarul de telefon mobil inregistrat in evidentele Bancii, la momentul efectuarii operatiunii sau (ii) confirmarea telefonica a tranzactiei cu reprezentantul Bancii. “Amprenta digitala” – amprenta digitala a Clientului, astfel cum a fost aceasta inregistrata in dispozitivul utilizat (tableta si/sau smartphone), si care este folosita de Client, impreuna cu Codul utilizator, pentru accesarea serviciului Home’Bank. Clientul poate opta pentru utilizarea Amprentei digitale in sectiunea “Autentificare cu amprenta” din Aplicatia Home’Bank pentru tableta/smartphone, numai dupa: (i) inregistrarea dispozitivului pentru utilizari viitoare si (ii) inregistrarea amprentei in dispozitivul utilizat. Aceasta optiune poate fi dezactivata oricand de catre Client, din meniul anterior mentionat. Totodata, aceasta optiune se dezactiveaza automat atunci cand dispozitivul utilizat nu mai este inregistrat pentru utilizari viitoare. In cazul in care o persoana utilizeaza serviciul Home’Bank atat in calitate de Client-persoana fizica, cat si in calitate de Utilizator al unui Client persoana juridica/alta entitate, pe baza aceluiasi Cod de Utilizator, atunci activarea/dezactivarea autentificarii cu Amprenta digitala se va face atat pentru Clientul – persoana fizica, cat si pentru Clientul persoana juridica/alta entitate a carui Utilizator este. “Recunoasterea faciala” – recunoasterea faciala a Clientului, astfel cum a fost aceasta inregistrata in dispozitivul utilizat (Apple), si care este folosita de Client, impreuna cu Codul utilizator, pentru accesarea serviciului Home’Bank. Clientul poate opta pentru utilizarea Recunoasterii faciale in sectiunea “Autentificare cu Face ID” din Aplicatia Home’Bank pentru Apple, numai dupa: (i) inregistrarea dispozitivului pentru utilizari viitoare si (ii) inregistrarea amprentei faciale in dispozitivul utilizat. Aceasta optiune poate fi dezactivata oricand de catre Client, din meniul anterior mentionat. Totodata, aceasta optiune se dezactiveaza automat atunci cand dispozitivul utilizat nu mai este inregistrat pentru utilizari viitoare. In cazul in care o persoana utilizeaza serviciul Home’Bank atat in calitate de Client-persoana fizica, cat si in calitate de Utilizator al unui Client persoana juridica/alta entitate, pe baza aceluiasi Cod de Utilizator, atunci activarea/dezactivarea autentificarii cu Recunoastere faciala se va face atat pentru Clientul – persoana fizica, cat si pentru Clientul persoana juridica/alta entitate a carui Utilizator este. (h) „Instructiune autorizata” – orice instructiune, inclusiv operatiune de plata transmisa prin intermediul serviciului Home’Bank si considerata irevocabila de catre Client prin una din urmatoarele modalitati: (i) apasarea butonului OK/Confirma/Autorizeaza sau a altui buton care indica autorizarea/confirmarea instructiunii, dupa caz; (ii) introducerea Codului de Raspuns; (iii) introducerea Parolei; (iv) introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei si a Codului SMS; (v) confirmarea telefonica a tranzactiei si introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei Apasarea butonului OK/Confirma/Autorizeaza, introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei si introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei si a codului SMS vor fi considerate echivalentul electronic al semnaturii Clientului. (i) „Cont” – orice cont detinut de Client la Banca. In cazul in care Clientul este imputernicit pe contul unui alt client persoana fizica, va putea utiliza serviciul Home’Bank si pentru accesarea si efectuarea de operatiuni de plata pe conturile pe care este imputernicit, in limitele mandatului sau. (j) „Zi lucrătoare” – inseamnă zilele in care bancile sunt deschise pentru public, adica toate zilele cu exceptia sambetelor si duminicilor si sarbatorilor legale in Romania. (k) „Tehnica de comunicatie la distanta”- orice mijloc care, fara a necesita prezenta fizica simultana a celor doua parti contractuale, poate fi folosita pentru comercializarea si promovarea la distanta a serviciilor financiare. (l) „Autentificare” – procedura care permite prestatorului de servicii de plata (PSP) sa verifice identitatea unui utilizator al serviciilor de plata sau valabilitatea utilizarii unui anumit instrument de plata si care include utilizarea Elementelor de securitate ale utilizatorului; (m) „Autentificarea stricta a clientilor” (ASC)- autentificarea bazata pe utilizarea a doua sau mai multe elemente incluse in categoria cunostintelor detinute (ceva ce doar utilizatorul cunoaste - ex. PIN, parola), posesiei (ceva ce doar utilizatorul poseda - ex. card, Digipass) si inerentei (ceva ce reprezinta utilizatorul - ex. amprenta) care sunt independente, iar compromiterea unui element nu conduce la compromiterea fiabilitătii celorlalte elemente, si care sunt concepute in asa fel incat sa protejeze confidentialitatea datelor de autentificare;


2.1 Obiectul prezentului contract il constituie furnizarea de catre Banca a serviciului Home’Bank, prin punerea la dispozitie a platformei Home Bank,la solicitarea Clientului, pentru efectuarea de operatiuni, in conditiile convenite intre parti.
2.2 (1) Prin serviciul Home’Bank pot fi efectuate urmatoarele operatiuni, enumerarea fiind exemplificativa si nu limitativa: efectuarea de operatiuni de plata, respectiv plati in lei sau in valuta, efectuarea de schimburi valutare, administrare linii de credit (utilizarea si realimentarea prin transferul sumelor din/in conturile curente), incheierea si revocarea mandatelor de debitare directa, vizualizarea, pastrarea si tiparirea extraselor de cont, autorizarea platilor efecutate cu cardul pe internet, actualizarea/modificarea datelor personale si a datelor de contact ale Clientului, achizitionarea/administrarea/inchiderea unor produse/servicii oferite de Banca/ partenerii Bancii, inclusiv credite, exprimarea de catre Client a optiunilor sale cu privire la diverse operatiuni (ex: Acordul de interogare a bazei de date A.N.A.F., acordul pentru consultarea si/sau transmiterea de informatii catre alte entitati), etc. (2) Pentru efectuarea de operatiuni de plata, serviciul Home’Bank poate fi utilizat doar de catre Clientul care are acces la un cont curent, fie in calitate de titular de cont, fie in calitate de imputernicit al unui alt client persoana fizica. Clientul fara acces la un cont curent, care pe parcursul derularii Contractului aferent serviciului Home’Bank, dobandeste un astfel de acces, va putea efectua operatiuni de plata din contul respectiv, prin instrumentul de plata, fara nicio alta formalitate prealabila. Accesarea serviciului Home’Bank pentru oricare din operatiunile de mai sus si initierea si autorizarea de instructiuni, inclusiv operatiuni de plata, se realizeaza prin intermediul Elementelor de securitate definite in capitolul 1 din prezentul Contract. (3) Anumite operatiuni pot fi efectuate exclusiv prin serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass (ex. modificarea numarului de telefon mobil), neputand fi efectuate prin serviciul Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass). De asemenea, indiferent daca Clientul a optat pentru serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass sau pentru serviciul Home’Bank cu Parola si SMS (fara Digipass), anumite operatiuni pot fi efectuate atat prin accesarea site-ului de internet, cat si prin Aplicatia Home’Bank pentru tableta/ smartphone (ex: plati in lei, schimb valutar etc.), alte operatiuni pot fi efectuate exclusiv prin Aplicatia Home’Bank pentru tableta/smartphone (ex: localizare ATM si ING Office, etc).
2.3 Pe parcursul derularii Contractului, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica operatiunile/produsele/serviciilor disponibile prin intermediul serviciului Home Bank, prin adaugarea unora noi/intreruperea/retragerea operatiunilor/serviciilor existente.


3.1 Pot fi ordonate plati in lei si/sau in valuta prin intermediul serviciului Home’Bank, indiferent de valoarea acestora.


4.1 Clientul plateste, la data incheierii prezentului Contract, taxa de activare a serviciului Home’Bank cu Digipass, daca Clientul a optat pentru acest serviciu, taxa mentionata in Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice, prin debitarea de catre Banca a contului curent indicat de Client in Cererea privind furnizarea serviciului Home’Bank pentru persoane fizice.
4.2 Clientul va achita taxa de administrare a serviciului Home’Bank cu Digipass, mentionata in Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice, prin debitarea contului sau de catre Banca, indiferent daca utilizeaza sau nu acest serviciu. Pentru fiecare operatiune de plata efectuata prin utilizarea serviciului Home’Bank se vor aplica taxe si comisioane distincte, prevazute in Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice, primita de Client la data incheierii prezentului Contract si afisata in toate locatiile ING Bank, precum si pe site-ul de internet prin care se acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank.
4.3 Banca va percepe dobanda penalizatoare prevazuta in Lista de dobanzi pentru persoane fizice la toate sumele datorate in baza prezentului Contract care nu sunt platite la scadenta de catre Client. Clientul confirma in mod expres si in cunostinta de cauza nivelul dobanzii penalizatoare si este de acord ca acesta reflectă prejudiciul (direct si indirect) suferit de Banca, intelegand sa achite integral orice dobanzi penalizatoare aplicabile conform prezentului Contract.
4.4 In vederea utilizarii serviciului Home’Bank cu Digipass, Banca furnizeaza Clientului dispozitivul de securitate Digipass. In termen de doi ani de la data incheierii prezentului Contract, in cazul functionarii necorespunzatoare a acestuia din cauze independente de Client, Banca va inlocui gratuit dispozitivul defect. In cazul deteriorarii, pierderii sau distrugerii dispozitivului din culpa Clientului (indiferent de momentul la care intervine acest eveniment), acesta poate solicita Bancii un nou Digipass.


5.1 Pentru a preveni utilizarea neautorizata a serviciului Home’Bank, Clientul: (i) va pastra in siguranta Elementele de securitate, scop in care va lua toate masurile de precautie necesare pentru pastrarea confidentialitatii si securitatii acestora, pentru prevenirea fraudei si/sau a utilizarii lor neautorizate/necorespunzatoare in acord cu prevederile specifice din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri si va utiliza serviciul Home Bank conform prevederilor prezentului Contract, astfel cum acesta se completeaza cu prevederile contractul-cadru aplicabil serviciilor de plata oferite de Banca (alcatuit din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri ale ING Bank pentru persoane fizice, Ghidul pentru efectuarea platilor, Lista de Taxe si Comisioane si Lista de Dobanzi, Conditiile Generale pentru Carduri pentru persoane fizice si Contractul privind furnizarea serviciului Home’Bank), precum si informatiilor si instructiunilor primite in acest sens de la Banca; (ii) va respecta standardele de securitate comunicate de Banca la momentul activarii/modificarii Parolei, respectiv modificarii Codului de utilizator; (iii) Clientul va putea solicita blocarea accesului cu Parola la serviciul Home’Bank fie (a) prin accesarea site-ului de internet, daca detine serviciul Home’Bank cu Digipass fie (b) apeland Banca la numarul de telefon +4031 406 24 64 sau *2464 ; (iv) va confirma suplimentar autorizarea anumitor operatiuni de plata efectuate prin intermediul instrumentului de plata cu acces la distanta fie prin introducerea codului SMS transmis de Banca, fie prin confirmarea telefonica a operatiunii cu reprezentantul Bancii; (v) va accesa serviciul Home’Bank numai de pe dispozitive securizate (de ex. PC-le/laptop-le au instalate programe antivirus cu actualizarile la zi, smartphone-uri sau tablete fara modificari ce pot afecta securitatea dispozitivului, etc); (vi) nu va inregistra, respectiv nu va permite inregistrarea in dispozitivul utilizat (tableta si/sau smartphone) a amprentei digitale a unei terte persoane, atunci cand a optat pentru accesarea serviciului Home’Bank prin intermediul Amprentei digitale.
5.2. Digipass-ul este proprietatea Bancii si nu poate fi transferat de catre Client unei alte parti, depozitat spre pastrare sau transmis unei terte parti spre folosire, iar Clientul nu poate invoca un drept de retentie cu privire la acest dispozitiv. La incetarea Contractului sau la solicitarea unui nou Digipass, Clientul va preda Bancii Digipass-ul utilizat (daca este posibil), indiferent de starea acestuia (functional sau nu).
5.3 Orice persoana care acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank este prezumata a fi Clientul. Prin prezentul Contract, Clientul autorizeaza Banca in mod irevocabil sa execute Instructiunile autorizate in momentul primirii acestora, in situatia in care Clientul si Instructiunea respectiva au fost identificate in mod corect in conformitate cu dispozitiile prezentului Contract.
5.4 Banca va avea dreptul sa nu actioneze conform Instructiunii autorizate, daca are suspiciuni ca aceasta nu a fost autorizata in mod corespunzator de catre Client sau Elementele de securitate au fost utilizate in mod necorespunzator. In astfel de cazuri, Banca nu va fi obligata la plata de despagubiri pentru pierderi sau daune provocate de neefectuarea sau intarzierea efectuarii instructiunilor primite, inclusiv a platilor. Clientul recunoaste ca o astfel de neexecutare din partea Bancii nu atrage dreptul Clientului de a nu-si executa toate obligatiile asumate fata de Banca.
5.5 Dupa ce Banca a primit o Instructiune autorizata de efectuare a unei operatiuni de plata , aceasta nu va putea fi revocata, modificata sau anulata, cu exceptia cazului in care Banca a stabilit in mod expres ca revocarea, modificarea sau anularea Instructiunii autorizate respective este sau ar fi posibila (conform prevederilor Ghidului pentru efectuarea Platilor). Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a percepe Clientului o taxa de revocare, a carei valoare este prevazuta in Lista de Taxe si comisioane pentru persoane fizice.
5.6 Instructiunile autorizate de efectuare de operatiuni de plata transmise de catre Client in vederea executarii prin intermediul serviciului Home’Bank in zilele lucratoare, inainte de ora limita de primire a instructunilor Clientului (Cut-off-time) - comunicata Clientului prin Ghidul pentru efectuarea Platilor si pe site-ul prin care se acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank, se considera primite de catre Banca in aceeasi zi. Daca insa ordinele de plata sunt transmise dupa ora limita de primire in vederea executarii (dupa cut-of-times) sau intr-o zi nelucratoare, se considera ca sunt primite de catre Banca in urmatoarea Zi lucratoare.
5.7 (1) Accesul Clientului in platforma Home’Bank se face cu aplicarea procedurii de Autentificare stricta a clientilor, prin utilizarea Elementelor de securitate corespunzatoare, astfel cum acestea sunt indicate la Sectiunea 1 lit. (f) din prezentul document. (2) Orice operatiune de plata initiata de Client in Home’Bank va fi autorizata de acesta in conditii de Autentificare stricta a clientilor. Prin exceptie, o operatiune de plata va putea fi autorizata de Client fara a fi necesara introducerea Codului de raspuns oferit de Digipass sau a Parolei, doar prin apasarea butonului « OK », daca : (i) valoarea sa individuala nu depaseste 30 EUR (sau echivalent in RON) si (ii) numarul de astfel de operatiuni consecutive initiate de Client de la ultima aplicare a Autentificarii stricte nu depaseste 5 tranzactii consecutive sau valoarea cumulata a operatiunilor de plata anterioare initiate de Client de la ultima aplicare a Autentificarii stricte nu depaseste 100 EUR. In mod similar, operatiunile de plata intre conturile Clientului deschise la banca vor putea fi autorizate de Client doar prin apasarea butonului « OK ».


6.1 Banca a) Banca furnizeaza Clientului, gratuit, documentele care formeaza Contractul pe hartie sau pe alt suport durabil. Oricand pe durata relatiei contractuale, Clientul poate solicita Bancii un exemplar al acestor documente in vigoare la momentul solicitarii, iar Banca va transmite, in mod gratuit, pe orice suport durabil, documentul sau documentele solicitate. b) Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a aduce modificari Condiţiilor Generale Home`Bank si/sau caracteristicilor serviciului oferit. Modificarile vor fi comunicate Clientului, in scris, pe hartie sau alt suport durabil, cu 2 (doua) luni inainte de data intrarii lor in vigoare. In cazul in care Clientul nu este de acord cu modificarile, acesta poate inceta/denunta relatia cu Banca referitoare la serviciul Home`Bank pe parcursul acestei perioade, conform dispozitiilor art. 10.1 lit. d). In acest din urma caz, Conditiile Generale Home`Bank anterioare vor ramane in vigoare pana la decontarea tuturor tranzactiilor efectuate prin intermediul serviciului Home`Bank. Toate modificarile sau inlocuirile vor fi considerate acceptate de catre Client, vor intra in vigoare si vor prevala asupra prevederilor anterioare in cazul in care Clientul nu informeaza Banca, mai inainte de data propusa pentru intrarea in vigoare a modificarilor/inlocuirilor, ca nu le accepta. Termenul de 2 luni nu se va aplica modificarilor contractuale impuse prin aplicarea unor noi prevederi legale, astfel de modificari aplicandu-se in functie de data intrarii in vigoare a reglementarilor respective. c) Clientul declara ca a fost informat cu privire la posibilitatea modificarii de catre Banca a valorii taxei de utilizare lunara, a taxelor si comisioanelor percepute pentru operatiunile de plata efectuate prin serviciului Home’Bank sau in legatura cu acesta, atat in sensul majorarii, cat si al diminuarii, si intelege ca orice modificare ii va fi notificata in prealabil, prin oricare din urmatoarele metode de comunicare folosita separat sau impreuna: in scris, pe hartie/alt suport durabil (de exemplu prin e-mail, prin SMS sau prin intermediul serviciului Home’Bank accesibil dupa introducerea de catre Client a Elementelor de identificare). In cazul diminuarii taxelor sunt aplicabile dispozitiilor art. 4.4 si 4.6 din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri pentru persoane fizice. Totodata, Banca va afisa Lista de Taxe si Comisioane pentru persoane fizice actualizata in locatiile Bancii si pe pagina de internet In cazul in care Clientul nu este de acord cu noile valori notificate de catre Banca, atat Clientul, cat si Banca au posibilitatea de a denunta prezentul Contract. Neprimirea de catre Banca, pana la data propusa pentru intrarea in vigoare a noilor valori, a unui raspuns din partea Clientului, va fi considerată acceptare tacită de către acesta a noilor valori. d) Banca informeaza Clientul cu privire la specificatiile privind componentele hardware si software necesare utilizarii serviciului Home’Bank. e) Banca pune exclusiv la dispozitia Clientului Elementele de securitate pentru utilizarea serviciului Home’Bank. f) Banca asigura securitatea tranzactiilor/instructiunilor prin criptarea mesajelor si prin recunoasterea automata a Clientului dupa Elementele de securitate stabilite. g) Banca asigura executarea instructiunilor autorizate transmise electronic de catre Client, in conformitate cu reglementarile legale in vigoare si cu procedurile interne ale Bancii. h) Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a dezactiva optiunea de autentificare cu Amprenta digitala/Recunoasterea faciala, in situatia in care exista suspiciuni privind securitatea tehnologiei de scanare amprenta, caz in care va informa Clientul, fie inainte, fie dupa dezactivarea optiunii. i) Banca poate solicita Clientului autentificarea cu Parola dupa un anumit numar de autentificari cu Amprenta digitala/Recunoastere faciala sau dupa un anumit interval de timp de la ultima utilizare a Parolei;. 6.2 (1) Clientul a) solicita executarea instructiunilor autorizate prin utilizarea Elementelor de securitate. b) asigura componentele hardware si software necesare utilizarii serviciului Home’Bank, conform specificatiilor primite din partea Bancii, precum si securitatea dispozitivului de pe care acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank. c) isi asuma intreaga responsabilitate pentru corectitudinea si caracterul complet al Instructiunilor autorizate, inclusiv a datelor introduse precum si a tranzactiilor ordonate electronic. d) se obliga sa informeze Banca de indata, fara o intarziere nejustificata, ce o persoana neautorizata a luat cunostinta de Elementele de securitate sau acestea au fost pierdute ori furate sau utilizate fara drept, conform art. 8.1 de mai jos. e) se obliga sa nu copieze, vanda, inchirieze, sa instraineze sub orice alta forma ori sa permita utilizarea de catre persoane neautorizate a serviciului Home’Bank sau a Elementelor de securitate si sa nu pastreze Codul PIN, Codul de utilizator, Digipass-ul si Parola impreuna; f) se obliga sa pastreze confidentialitatea cu privire la Elementele de securitate pe intreaga durata a Contractului. g) se obliga sa comunice Bancii, in modalitatile agreate, orice schimbare a datelor sale personale si/sau de contact, inclusiv schimbarea numarului de telefon mobil. Ulterior modificarii, toate notificarile Bancii in legatura cu prezentul Contract vor fi transmise la noile date de contact (inclusiv la noul numar de telefon mobil) comunicate Bancii. In caz contrar, Banca nu va fi raspunzatoare pentru orice eventual prejudiciu cauzat Clientului, iar comunicarea transmisa de Banca la datele de contact inregistrate in evidentele sale va fi considerata valabila. h) are obligatia sa depuna la Banca autorizatiile/formularele prevazute de lege si/sau documentele originale in baza carora se efectueaza operatiunile de plata, in situatia in care legislatia in vigoare prevede aceasta obligatie sau in cazul in care Banca solicita acest lucru in mod expres, conform procedurilor sale interne. i) sa utilizeze serviciul Home’Bank cu respectarea tuturor prevederilor prezentului Contract; (2) Clientul isi exprima acordul pentru executarea Contractului incheiat la distanta la prima accesare a Serviciului Home`Bank, prin introducerea Codului de utilizator, a Parolei si a Codului de activare.


7.1 Banca nu este responsabilă pentru niciun fel de pagube decurgand din utilizarea neautorizată a serviciului Home’Bank (fie ca Elementele de Securitate primite de catre Client au fost pierdute, furate sau utilizate fara drept) in cazul in care Clientul a actionat in mod fraudulos sau nu si-a respectat obligatiile contractuale referitoare la utilizarea serviciului Home’Bank si pastrarea Elementelor de Securitate, cu intentie sau din neglijenta grava. Clientul suporta pierderile legate de operatiunile de plata neautorizate efectuate inainte de momentul comunicarii catre Banca a pierderii/furtului/utilizarii neautorizate a Elementelor de securitate/ serviciului Home’Bank pana la suma de 30 euro (sau echivalentul in lei) sau integral, in functie natura Elementelor de securitate personalizate utilizate la efectuarea operatiunilor si de situatiile in care acestea au fost pierdute, furate sau serviciul utilizat fara drept. Clientul suporta toate pierderile, fara limita de suma, legate de orice operatiuni de plati neautorizate daca acestea rezulta in urma fraudei Clientului sau a nerespectarii intentionate sau din neglijenta grava a uneia sau mai multor obligatii care ii revin in temeiul Contractului. In cazul in care nu a actionat fraudulos, Clientul nu suporta nicio consecinta financiara care rezulta din utilizarea serviciului Home’Bank in cazul in care Elementele de securitate au fost pierdute, furate sau folosite fara drept (i) dupa notificarea Bancii cu privire la acest eveniment realizata in conformitate cu prevederile art. 8.1 din prezentul Contract, (ii) in cazul in care Banca nu solicita o Autentificare stricta a clientilor, (iii) in cazul in care nu a putut detecta evenimentul inaintea efectuarii unei plati, (iv) pierderea a fost cauzata de o actiune/inactiune a unui angajat, agent sau sucursala a unui prestator de servicii de plata sau a unei entitati careia i-au fost externalizate activitati, (v) Banca nu i-a pus la dispozitie mijloacele de notificare a evenimentului in orice moment,. 7.1.1 Clientul isi manifesta consimtamantul pentru efectuarea operatiunilor de plata prin serviciul Home Bank, prin una din urmatoarele modalitati (i) apasarea butonului OK/Confirma/Autorizeaza sau a altui buton care indica autorizarea/confirmarea operatiunii de plata, dupa caz; (ii) introducerea Codului de Raspuns ; (iii) introducerea Parolei; (iv) introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei si a Codului SMS; (v) confirmarea telefonica a tranzactiei si introducerea Codului de raspuns/Parolei /Apasarea butonului OK/Confirma/Autorizeaza. 7.1.2 Banca nu poarta raspunderea pentru acuratetea nici unei informatii transmise Bancii de catre Client prin serviciul Home’Bank si nici pentru verificarea modului de utilizare a Elementelor de securitate, neavand obligatia sa verifice corectitudinea sau caracterul complet al unor astfel de informatii sau conditii. 7.1.3 Banca nu poarta raspunderea pentru nici o pierdere si pentru nici un prejudiciu suferite de Client, generate de cauzele specificate mai jos: (i) daca Clientul este impiedicat sa acceseze in orice moment serviciul Home’Bank de intreruperea sau defectiunea sau intarzierile intervenite in serviciile de telecomunicatie sau alimentarea cu energie, pe care aceasta le foloseste prin furnizorii externi cu care a contractat aceste servicii sau in legatura cu serviciul Home’Bank, atunci cand acestea din urma se datoreaza unui caz fortuit sau eveniment de forta majora; (ii) daca informatiile receptionate de catre Client prin serviciul Home’Bank sunt incorecte, incomplete sau intarziate, ca rezultat al unei situatii prevazute la pct. 7.1.3 lit. (i) de mai sus; (iii) imposibilitatea temporara autilizarii serviciului in perioadele de mentenanta (revizie tehnica, inclusiv imbunatatire a serviciului), care vor fi anuntate in prealabil de catre Banca pe pagina de internet si/sau prin mass-media. 7.1.4 Banca nu-si asuma responsabilitatea pentru operatiunile care nu pot fi onorate din cauza lipsei de disponibilitati sau insuficientei fondurilor in contul Clientului, erorilor de completare, informatiilor eronate sau contradictorii transmise de Client Bancii, ilegalitatii operatiunilor, intarzierii in transmiterea instructiunilor de catre Client catre Banca, dispozitiilor executorii ale autoritatilor judiciare, organelor administrative, jurisdictionale, ale executorilor judecatoresti sau bugetari sau ale oricaror autoritati ale statului competente in acest sens. 7.1.5 Daca din motive imputabile Clientului, Banca va face cheltuieli sau va suferi pierderi care au legatura cu operatiunea pe care o executa in temeiul acestui Contract, acestea vor fi suportate de catre Client. In aceasta situatie, Banca este autorizata sa recupereze suma respectiva direct din contul Clientului, cu notificarea acestuia. 7.1.6. Banca nu este responsabila pentru securitatea dispozitivelor (calculatore/laptoturi/smartphone-uri/tablete) de pe care Clientul acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank si pentru niciun fel de pagube/pierderi decurgând din utilizarea serviciului Home’Bank de pe calculatoare/laptopuri/smartphone-uri nesecurizate sau infectate cu virusi, smartphone-uri sau tablete cu modificari ce pot afecta securitatea dispozitivului si/sau infectate cu virusi. 7.1.7. Raspunderea Bancii fata de Client este limitata la pagubele suferite de catre acesta, care sunt o consecinta directa si necesara a neexecutarii vreunei obligatii a Bancii, in conformitate cu prevederile legale si/sau contractuale. 7.2 Clientul isi asuma responsabilitatea cu privire la pastrarea si utilizarea Elementelor de securitate si la securitatea dispozitivelor de pe care acceseaza serviciul Home’Bank si va suporta toate pierderile si riscurile decurgand din divulgarea Elementelor de securitate sau utilizarea de catre terte persoane a serviciului Home’Bank, in conditiile prevazute in art. 7.1 de mai sus. Nu se va considera incalcare a prezentei clauze, cazul Tertilor PSPi autorizati carora le este permis, in conditiile prevazute de lege, sa se bazeze pe procedurile de autentificare ale Bancii cand presteaza servicii de plata Clientilor Bancii, astfel cum acestea sunt descrise in Ghidul Platilor.


8.1 In cazul in care Clientul isi pierde Digipass-ul si/sau celelalte Elemente de Securitate sau acestea ii sunt furate sau utilizate fara drept, Clientul are obligatia de a notifica Banca imediat ce a cunoscut aceasta imprejurare, fara o intarziere nejustificata, utilizand numarul de telefon +4031 406 24 64 sau *2464 sau de a bloca accesul la Platfroma Home Bank conform art. 8.2 lit. b). si c). Blocarea poate fi facuta oricand 24 de ore din 24. 8.2 (1) Blocarea accesului la platforma Home`Bank are loc in urmatoarele cazuri: a) Clientul a informat Banca despre pierderea, distrugerea, furtul ori instrainarea Elementelor de securitate. In acest caz, pana la emiterea unor noi Elemente de securitate, accesul Clientului la platforma Home Bank, este blocat; b) Introducerea gresita de 3 ori consecutiv a Codului sau a Codului de Raspuns sau a Parolei; c) Introducerea gresita a Codului PIN de 4 ori consecutiv va determina blocarea Digipass-ului. d) din motive legate de securitatea serviciului; e) daca exista suspiciuni de utilizare frauduloasa/neautorizata a Elementelor de securitate; f). daca este necesar pentru protejarea Clientului sau a Bancii de posibile viitoare prejudicii. Prin exceptie de la lit b) si c) de mai sus accesul la Platforma Home Bank nu va fi blocat in urmatoarele situatii: (a) in cazul blocarii Digipass-ului sau a introducerii gresite de 3 ori consecutiv a Codului sau a Codului de Raspuns, daca Clientul are activata o Parola pentru accesarea serviciului Home’Bank si (b) in cazul introducerii gresite de 3 ori consecutiv a Parolei, daca Clientul nu are Digipass-ul blocat. (2) Clientul nu va putea efecuta operatiuni pe conturile sale in platforma Home Bank daca: a) Banca a restrictionat accesul Clientului la contul/conturile sale in conformitate cu prevederile altor contracte incheiate intre Client si Banca. In aceasta situatie, Banca va notifica Clientul in aceasta privinta in acelasi timp cu si in modalitatea agreata pentru notificarea blocarii contului/conturilor sale (conform prevederilor Conditiilor Generale de Afaceri ale ING Bank); b) Instituirea de catre autoritatile competente a masurilor asiguratorii, infiintarii popririi de catre executorul judecatoresc/bugetar si/sau alte cazuri similare care fac obligatorie pentru Banca blocarea contului/conturilor Clientului  8.3. In cazurile prevazute la art. 8.2.(1) lit. a)-c) Clientul va contacta Banca in vederea deblocarii accesului la platforma Home Bank in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Deblocarea accesului la platforma Home Bank pentru cazurile prevazute la art. 8.2 (1) lit. d)-f), respectiv deblocarea accesului la instrumentul de plata pentru cazurile prevazute la art.8.2 (2) se va realiza numai dupa incetarea cauzei care a condus la blocarea contului.


9.1 Prezentul contract este guvernat si interpretat in conformitate cu legislatia romana.
9.2 Partile vor incerca sa solutioneze pe cale amiabila orice divergenta decurgand din sau in legatura cu relatia lor contractuala nascuta in baza prezentului Contract. Daca solutionarea pe cale amiabila nu este posibila, partile se vor adresa instantelor de judecata competente de la sediul Bancii din Bucuresti, cu exceptia situatiilor in care legea prevede in mod expres si imperativ competenta altei instante de judecata. Totodata, Clientul a fost informat ca are posibilitatea de a se adresa Autoritatii Nationale pentru Protectia Consumatorilor sau Bancii Nationale a Romaniei si de a apela la procedurile de solutionare alternativa a litigiilor, astfel cum acestea sunt detaliate in sectiunea specifica din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri pentru persoane fizice.


10.1 Prezentul Contract se incheie pe o perioada nedeterminata, urmand sa inceteze prin una din urmatoarele modalitati: a) acordul partilor; b) prin rezilierea de catre Banca, prin simpla notificare scrisa a Clientului, cu efect imediat de la data mentionata in notificare, in cazul neindeplinirii de catre Client a oricarei obligatii prevazute in sarcina sa (inclusiv pentru neexecutari de mica insemnatate cu caracter repetat); in cazul neindeplinirii la termen a oricarei obligatii prevazute in sarcina sa, Clientul este de drept in intarziere; c) in situatia in care Banca intrerupe sau inceteaza furnizarea serviciului Home`Bank. In aceasta situatie Banca va notifica Clientul anterior intreruperii sau furnizarii serviciului; d) denuntarea unilaterala de catre oricare dintre parti; Banca va putea denunta unilateral relatia contractuala cu o notificare prealabila a Clientului de 2 luni, transmisa pe hartie sau pe alt suport durabil; Clientul poate exercita oricand dreptul de denunţare unilaterală a relatiei contractuale numai cu indeplinirea prealabila a obligatiei de achitare integrala a tuturor datoriilor sale fata de Banca, fara a invoca vreun motiv si fara taxe suplimentare/ penalitati, fie prin prezentarea acestuia la Banca, fie prin alte canale care ii sunt puse la dispozitie de catre Banca. Cererea de denuntare unilaterala facuta de Client nu produce efecte in privinta prestatiilor executate sau care se afla in curs de executare.
10.2 Prezentul Contract se incheie in limba romana.
10.3 Clientul declara ca a luat cunostinta, este de acord si a primit un exemplar din Contract si din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri ale Bancii si din Ghidul pentru efectuarea Platilor, care fac parte integranta si cu care se completeaza prezentul Contract. In caz de discrepanta intre prevederile prezentului Contract si Conditiile Generale de Afaceri ale Bancii si/sau ale Ghidului pentru efectuarea Platilor, prevederile prezentului Contract prevaleaza. Totodata, Clientul declara ca a citit si a inteles Nota de informare "Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal" din Conditiile Generale de Afaceri anterior mentionate, fiind informat inclusiv cu privire la drepturile de care dispune si cu privire la faptul ca informatii complete si actuale cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal de catre Banca sunt disponibile permanent in orice locatie ING sau pe
10.4 Cu exceptia cazului in care se prevede altfel in prezentul Contract, toate notificarile sau orice alte comunicari intre Banca si Client vor fi efectuate in modalitatile prevazute in Capitolul „Notificari” al Conditiilor Generale de Afaceri pentru Persoane Fizice ale ING Bank.
10.5. Clientul confirma in mod expres si in deplina cunostinta de cauza următoarele: (1) a analizat si s-a informat cu privire la obligatiile si conditiile acestui Contract, inclusiv prin comparatie cu alte oferte de pe piata si (2) incheie acest Contract fara a fi constrans in vreun fel si intelege sa execute integral, exact si la timp obligatiile sale din acest Contract.
10.6. Clientul declara ca a citit, inteles si este de acord in totalitate cu Contractul privind furnizarea serviciului Home’Bank, inclusiv si in mod expres cu prevederile art. 4.3, art. 5.3-5.5, art. 6.1 lit. b-c, art. 6.2 (1) lit. a, c si h, art. 6.2 (2), art. 7.1, art. 8.1- 8.2, art. 9, art. 10.1 si art. 10.5 din prezentele Conditii Generale.


1. DEFINITION OF CONTRACTUAL TERMS. For the purposes of this Contract, the terms below shall have the following meanings: (a) „Customer” – p– individual who purchases the Home’Bank service, either directly at the Bank's locations (ING Offices) or by any Remote Communication Technique provided by the Bank and who becomes user of the Home’Bank service. (b)„Bank” - ING Bank N.V., private legal entity from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, established and operating under the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, having its registered office at Westeinde 1, post code 1017 ZN, Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands, registered under no. 33031431 with the Trade Register attached to the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce and Industries, through its Romanian Branch, ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam - Bucharest Branch, having its registered office at Expo Business Park, 54A Aviator Popișteanu Street, Building no. 3, District 1, Bucharest, post code 012095, registered under no. J40/16100/1994 with the Bucharest Trade Register Office, having the tax registration code RO 6151100, number of registration with the Register of Credit Institutions RB-PJS-40-024/18.02.1999; phone: + 40 21 222 16 00; fax: + 40 21 222 14 01 (c) „Contract” – Contract for the provision of the Home’Bank service, Contract consisting of: (i) Application for the provision of the Home Bank service for individuals, these General Conditions and the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals, if the Contract was concluded in the Bank's locations or (ii) these General Conditions and the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals, if the Contract is concluded by Remote Communication Techniques. The date of conclusion of the Contract is the date when the Customer receives: (i) The User Code and the initial PIN Code in case of the Home’Bank service with Digipass or (ii) the User Code and the Activation Code, in case of the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass) (d) „Home’Bank service” – – service provided to the Customer by the Bank, by making available the Home Bank platform, allowing the Customer to perform payment transactions, through the remote access electronic payment instrument of internet banking type, from his/her accounts opened with the Bank and/or the accounts of another individual for which he/she is authorized, as well as management of the business relationship with the Bank without requiring the Customer's presence in an ING Office. The Home’Bank service is available by accessing the website, through a browser installed on a device with internet access (e.g.: PC, laptop, mobile phone etc.) or by downloading the Home’Bank Application for tablet/smartphone, the service being accessed based on Security Credentials. The provided service may be with Digipass, with the condition of the Customer holding a personal current account opened with the Bank, or with Password and SMS (without Digipass), depending on the Customer's option expressed at the time of requesting the service. By way of exception, in case of remotely concluded Contracts, the Bank provides the Customers exclusively with the Home Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass). (e) „Home’Bank Application for tablet/smartphone” – the “ING Home’Bank” Application downloaded from App Store or Play Store on a device with internet access such as tablet or smartphone type, through which the Home Bank service is accessed based on Security Credentials; (f) „Security Credentials” – ” – the personalized characteristics provided to the Customer by the Bank in order to identify, authenticate, sign and secure data and instructions sent to the Bank through the Home Bank platform during electronic communication, elements necessary to access and use the Home’Bank service: „User Code” – c– personal identification code that the Customer will use for accessing the Home’Bank service. The initial User Code is assigned and communicated to the Customer by the Bank when signing this Contract and can be modified at any time by the Customer during its performance. By way of exception, in case of remotely concluded Contracts, the User Code is communicated to the customer at the e-mail address specified by him/her in the application for opening the business relationship or provided subsequently by other means agreed by the parties. The Customer will enter the User Code whenever he/she accesses the Home’Bank service, on the website mentioned in art. 1 letter d) above. Digipass” - secured device provided to the Customer by the Bank on the date of conclusion of this Agreement in order to access and use the Home’Bank service, in the case where the Customer has chosen the Home’Bank service with Digipass; „PIN Code” - 4-digit numeric password that must be typed on the Digipass each time a secure function is accessed from the Digipass menu. The Customer will choose the PIN code upon the first use of the Digipass and keep confidentiality of the code chosen; „Code” - a 6-digit numeric password, automatically generated by Digipass after typing the PIN code on this device. The Code has a validity of approximately 36 seconds from the moment when it was generated and must be inserted on the website for the Customer to access the Home’Bank platform; „Transaction Code” - numerical password consisting of 6 - 8 digits, generated by the Home’Bank service under the name “transaction” when the Customer wants to perform an operation. The Transaction Code must be typed on the Digipass in order to generate the Answer Code; „Answer Code” - 7-digit numeric password, generated by the Digipass based on the Transaction Code, used to authorize an operation through the Home’Bank service. „Password” – – unique password chosen and activated/validated by the Customer (i) with the first access of the Home’Bank service, using the Activation Code sent by the Bank, in the case of the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass) or (ii) by accessing the website, with the help of the Digipass and following the instructions sent by the Bank, if the Home’Bank service with Digipass was chosen; if a person uses the Home’Bank service as both individual Customer and User of a Corporate Customer/another entity, based on the same User Code and Digipass, then Password activation will be done for both the individual Customer and the Corporate Customer/other entity whose User he/she is. The Password is used to access and authorize operations in the Home’Bank service; in order to access the Application, it is also necessary to enter the User Code. If the Home’Bank service with Digipass was chosen, after activating the Password, the Customer will have the possibility to choose, whenever he/she accesses the service, whether he/she wants to authenticate and perform operations either based on Password or with the help of the Digipass. The Customer may request to deactivate the Password at any time (a) by accessing the website, or by phone, calling the Bank at the number +4031 406 24 64 or *2464, if he/she has the Home’Bank service with Digipass or (b) in any ING Office if he/she has the Home’Bank service with password and SMS (without Digipass), in this last case Password deactivation meaning the deactivation of the Home’Bank service. „Activation code” – – alphanumeric code consisting of 5 - 10 digits sent by the Bank to the Customer via SMS to the mobile phone number registered in the Bank's records, at the time of concluding the Contract, in the case of the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass). The validity period of the Activation Code is mentioned in the SMS message sent by the Bank. In case of its expiry, the Customer may request the Bank by phone, at the number mentioned in letter (a) above, a new Activation Code. , „Authentication Code” – – 6-digit numerical code sent by the Bank to the Customer via SMS to the mobile phone number registered in the Bank’s records, code used exclusively for the Customer's authentication in order to access the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass). The Authentication Code together with the User Code and Password will be used by the Customer to authenticate only when he/she uses a new device (e.g. phone, tablet, PC, laptop), other than that/those registered by the Customer for subsequent authentications. In the event where the Customer has requested the registration of the device from which he/she accesses the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass) for future uses and, subsequently, he/she accesses from that device the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass), Customer authentication will be made based on the User Code and Password entered by the Customer.„Additional confirmation of the transaction”- additional element necessary together with the Answer Code or Password to authorize certain payment transactions, respectively: (i) SMS Code - 6-digit numeric password, sent by the Bank to the Customer via SMS to the mobile phone number registered in the Bank's records, at the time of performing the operation or (ii) telephone confirmation of the transaction with the Bank representative. “Digital fingerprint” – the Customer’s digital fingerprint, as it was registered in the device used (tablet and/or smartphone), and which is used by the Customer, together with the User Code, to access the Home’Bank service. The Customer may choose to use the Digital fingerprint in the "Fingerprint Authentication" section from the Home’Bank Application for tablet/smartphone, only after: (i) registering the device for future uses and (ii) registering the fingerprint in the device used. This option may be deactivated at any moment by the Customer, from the previously mentioned menu. At the same time, this option is deactivated automatically when the device used is no longer registered for future uses. If a person uses the Home’Bank service both as individual Customer and as User of a corporate Customer/another entity, based on the same User Code, then activation/deactivation of authentication with Digital fingerprint is made for both the individual Customer and the Corporate Customer/another entity whose User he/she is. “Facial recognition” – the Customer’s facial recognition, as it was registered in the device used (Apple and which is used by the Customer, together with the User Code, to access the Home’Bank service. The Customer may choose for using Facial recognition in the "Face ID Authentication" section from the iPhone Home’Bank Application for Apple, only after: (i) registering the device for future uses and (ii) registering the faceprint in the device used. This option may be deactivated at any moment by the Customer, from the previously mentioned menu. At the same time, this option is deactivated automatically when the device used is no longer registered for future uses. If a person uses the Home’Bank service both as individual Customer and as User of a corporate Customer/another entity, based on the same User Code, then activation/deactivation of authentication with Facial recognition is made for both the individual Customer and the Corporate Customer/another entity whose User he/she is. (h) „Authorized Instruction” – – any instruction, including payment transaction sent through the Home’Bank service and considered irrevocable by the Customer by one of the following means: (i) pressing the OK/Confirm/Authorize button or another button indicating the authorization/confirmation of the instruction, as the case may be; (ii) entering the Answer Code; (iii) entering the Password; (iv) entering the Answer Code/Password and SMS Code; (v) confirming by telephone the transaction and entering the Answer Code/Password, pressing the OK/Confirm/Authorize button, entering the Answer Code/Password and entering the Answer Code/Password and the SMS Code will be considered the electronic equivalent of Customer's signature. (i) „Account” – any account held by the Customer with the Bank. If the Customer is the authorized signatory of another individual customer, he/she will be able to also use the Home’Bank service for accessing and making payment operations on the accounts for which he/she is authorized, within the limits of his/her mandate. (j) „Business Day” – means the days when the banks are open to the public, i.e. all days except Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays in Romania. (k) „Remote communication technique”- oany means which, without requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two parties to the contract, may be used for the distance marketing and promotion of financial services. (l) „Authentication” – pprocedure allowing the payment service provider (PSP) to verify the identity of a user of the payment services or the validity of use of a certain payment instrument and which includes the use of the Security Credentials of the user; (m) „Strong customer authentication” (ASC)- (SCA)- authentication based on the use of two or more elements included in the category of knowledge held (something that only the user knows - e.g. PIN, password), possession (something that only the user possesses - e.g. card, Digipass) and inherence (something that represents the user - e.g. fingerprint) which are independent and the compromise of one element does not compromise the reliability of the other elements, and which are designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data;


2.1 The subject matter of this contract is provision by the Bank of the Home’Bank service, by providing the Home Bank platform, at Customer's request, to perform operations, under the conditions agreed by the parties.
2.2. (1) The following operations can be performed through the Home’Bank service, the list being illustrative and not exhaustive: performing payment transactions, respectively payments in RON or in foreign currency, making foreign exchange operations, management of credit lines (use and funding by transferring the amounts from/into the current accounts), conclusion and revocation of direct debit mandates, viewing, storing and printing account statements, authorization of payments made by card on the internet, updating/changing the personal data and contact details of the Customer, purchasing/managing/closing certain products/services offered by the Bank/the Bank's partners, including loans, expressing by the Customer of his/her options on various operations (e.g.: Consent to interrogate the A.N.A.F. database, consent to consult and/or send information to other entities) etc. (2) For performing payment transactions, the Home’Bank service can only be used by the Customer who has access to a current account, either as account holder or as authorized signatory of another individual customer. The Customer without access to a current account, who during the performance of the Contract related to the Home’Bank service acquires such access will be able to perform payment transactions from that account, through the payment instrument, without any prior formality. Accessing the Home’Bank service for any of the above-mentioned operations and initiating and authorizing instructions, including payment transactions, is made through the Security Credentials defined in chapter 1 of this Contract.(3) Certain operations can be performed exclusively through the Home’Bank service with Digipass (e.g. changing the mobile phone number), not being able to perform them through Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass). Also, irrespective whether the Customer has chosen the Home’Bank service with Digipass or the Home’Bank service with Password and SMS (without Digipass), certain operations can be performed both by accessing the internet website, and through the Home’Bank Application for tablet/smartphone (e.g.: payments in RON, foreign exchange etc.), other operations can be performed exclusively through Home’Bank Application for tablet/smartphone (e.g.: ATM and ING Office location etc.).
2.3. During the performance of the Contract, the Bank reserves the right to change the operations/products/services available through the Home Bank service, by adding new ones/interrupting/withdrawing the existing operations/services.


3.1 RON and/or foreign currency payments can be ordered through the Home’Bank service, irrespective of their value


4.1 The Customer pays, on the date of conclusion of this Contract, the fee for activating the Home’Bank service with Digipass, if the Customer chose this service, the fee mentioned in the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals, by debiting by the Bank the current account indicated by the Customer in the Application regarding the provision of the Home’Bank service for individuals.
4.2 The Customer will pay the fee for managing the Home’Bank service with Digipass, mentioned in the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals, by debiting his/her account by the Bank, whether or not he/she uses this service. For each payment transaction performed by using the Home’Bank service, separate fees and commissions will apply, provided in the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals, received by the Customer on the date of conclusion of this Contract and displayed in all ING Bank locations, as well as on the website through which he/she accesses the Home’Bank service.
4.3 The Bank will charge the penalty interest provided in the List of interest rates for individuals for all amounts owed based on this Contract that are not paid on the due date by the Customer. The Customer expressly and knowledgeably confirms the level of the penalty interest and agrees that it reflects the (direct and indirect) damage suffered by the Bank, understanding to pay in full any penalty interests applicable according to this Contract.
4.4 In order to use the Home’Bank service with Digipass, the Bank provides the Customer with the Digipass security device. Within two years from the date of conclusion of this Contract, in case of e.g., its malfunction for reasons independent of the Customer, the Bank will replace the defective device free of charge. In case of damaging, losing or destroying the device by fault of the Customer (irrespective of the moment when such event occurs), he/she can request a new Digipass from the Bank.


5.1 In order to prevent the unauthorized uses of the Home’Bank service, the Customer: (i) will keep safe the Security Credentials, which is why he/she will take all the necessary precautions to keep their confidentiality and security, to prevent fraud and/or their unauthorized/inappropriate use in line with the specific provisions of the General Terms and Conditions and will use the Home Bank service according to the provisions of this Contract, as it is supplemented with the provisions of the framework contract applicable to payment services offered by the Bank (consisting of the General Terms and Conditions of ING Bank for individuals, the Payments Guide , the List of Fees and Commissions and the List of Interest Rates, the General Terms and Conditions for Cards for individuals and the Contract for the provision of the Home’Bank service), as well as the information and instructions received for this purpose from the Bank; (ii) will comply with the security standards communicated by the Bank upon activation/change of Password, respectively change of the User Code; (iii) the Customer will be able to request to block access with Password to the Home’Bank service either (a) by accessing the website, if he/she holds the Home’Bank service with Digipass, or (b) by calling the Bank at the phone number +4031 406 24 64 or *2464 ; (iv) will further confirm the authorization of certain payment transactions performed through the payment instrument with remote access either by entering the SMS code sent by the Bank, or by telephone confirmation of the operation with the Bank's representative; (v) will access the Home’Bank service only from secure devices (e.g. PCs/laptops have antivirus programs installed with updates, smartphones or tablets without changes that may affect device security etc.); (vi) will not register, respectively will not allow registration in the used device (tablet and/or smartphone) of the digital fingerprint of a third party, when he/she opted to access the Home’Bank service through the Digital fingerprint.
5.2. The Digipass is the property of the Bank and may not be transferred by the Customer to another party, stored for safekeeping or transmitted to a third party for use, and the Customer may not invoke a right of retention with respect to this device. Upon termination of the Contract or upon request for a new Digipass, the Customer will hand over to the Bank the used Digipass (if possible), regardless of its condition (functional or not).
5.3 Any person who accesses the Home’Bank service is presumed to be the Customer. Hereunder, the Customer irrevocably authorizes the Bank to execute the Authorized Instructions at the time of their receipt, in the situation where the Customer and such Instruction have been correctly identified in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.
5.4 The Bank will be entitled not to act according to the Authorized Instruction if it suspects that it was not duly authorized by the Customer or the Security Credentials were misused. In such cases, the Bank will not be required to pay compensations for losses or damages caused by failure to perform or late performance of the instructions received, including of payments. The Customer acknowledges that such non-performance on the part of the Bank does not result in Customer's right not to execute all its obligations to the Bank.
5.5 After the Bank has received an Authorized Instruction to perform a payment transaction, it cannot be revoked, changed or cancelled, unless the Bank has expressly established that revocation, change or cancellation of such Authorized Instruction is or would be possible (according to the provisions of the Payments Guide). The Bank reserves the right to charge the Customer a revocation fee, whose value is provided in the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals.
5.6 Authorized Instructions to make payment transactions sent by the Customer to be executed through the Home’Bank service during business days, before the deadline for receiving the Customer's instructions (Cut-off-time) - communicated to the Client through the Payments Guide and on the website through which the Home’Bank service is accessed, are considered received by the Bank on the same day. But if the payment orders are sent after the deadline for execution (after the cut-off-time), or on a non-business day, they will be considered received by the Bank on the following Business Day.
5.7 (1) Customer's access to the Home’Bank platform is made by applying the procedure of Strong customer authentication, by using the corresponding Security Credentials, as they are indicated in Section 1 letter (f) of this document.
(2) Any payment transaction initiated by the Customer in Home’Bank will be authorized by him/her under conditions of Strong customer authentication. By way of exception, a payment transaction can be authorized by the customer without requiring to enter the Answer Code offered by the Digipass or of the Password, only by pressing the « OK » button, if: (i) its individual value does not exceed EUR 30 (or equivalent in RON) and (ii) the number of such consecutive operations initiated by the Customer from the last application of Strong Authentication does not exceed 5 consecutive transactions or the cumulative value of previous payment transactions initiated by the Customer from the last application of Strong Authentication does not exceed EUR 100. Similarly, payment transactions between Customer's accounts opened with the bank can be authorized by the Customer only by pressing the « OK » button.


6.1 The Bank a) The Bank provides the Customer, free of charge, the documents that make up the Contract on paper or on another durable medium. At any moment during the contractual relationship, the Customer may request the Bank to provide a copy of these documents in force at the time of request, and the Bank will send, free of charge, on any durable medium, the requested document or documents. b) The Bank reserves the right to change the General Conditions for Home’Bank and/or the characteristics of the service offered. Changes will be communicated to the Customer, in writing, on paper or on another durable medium, 2 (two) months before their entry into force. If the Customer does not agree with the changes, he/she may cease/terminate the relationship with the Bank regarding the Home’Bank service during this period, according to provisions of art. 10.1 letter d). In this latter case, the previous General Conditions for Home’Bank will remain in force until the settlement of all transactions performed through the Home’Bank service. All changes or replacements will be considered accepted by the Customer, will enter into force and prevail over the previous provisions if the Customer fails to inform the Bank, before the date proposed for the entry into force of changes/replacements, that he/she does not accept them. The 2-month deadline will not apply to contractual changes imposed by application of new legal provisions, such changes being applicable depending on the date of entry into force of the respective regulations. c) The Customer declares that he/she was informed on the possibility for the Bank to change the value of the monthly use fee, of fees and commissions charged for payment transactions performed through the Home’Bank service or in relation to it, in the sense of both increase and decrease, and understands that any change will be notified in advance, through any of the following communication means used separately or together: in writing, on paper/on another durable medium (e.g. by e-mail, SMS or through the Home’Bank service accessible after the Customer enters the Security Credentials). In case of decrease in fees, the provisions of art. 4.4 and 4.6 of the General Terms and Conditions for individuals are applicable. At the same time, the Bank will display the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals updated in the Bank's locations and on the website If the Customer does not agree with the new values notified by the Bank, both the Customer and the Bank have the possibility to terminate this Contract. If the Bank does not receive, by the date proposed for the entry into force of the new values, an answer from the Customer, it will be considered tacit acceptance by him/her of the new values. d) The Bank informs the Customer on specifications regarding the hardware and software components necessary to use the Home’Bank service. e) The Bank exclusively provides the Customer with the Security Credentials for using the Home’Bank service f) The Bank ensures the security of transactions/instructions by encrypting the messages and by automatic recognition of the Customer according to the established Security Credentials. g) The Bank ensures the execution of authorized instructions sent electronically by the Customer, in accordance with the legal regulations in force and with the Bank's internal procedures. h) The Bank reserves the right to deactivate the option of authentication with Digital fingerprint/Facial recognition, if there are suspicions on the security of the fingerprint scanning technology/ facial recognition, in which case it will inform the Customer either before or after deactivating the option. i) The Bank may request the Customer to authenticate with Password after a certain number of authentications with Digital fingerprint/Facial recognition or after a certain period from the last use of the Password; 6.2 (1) The Customer a) requests the execution of authorized instructions by using the Security Credentials. b) ensures the hardware and software components necessary for using the Home’Bank service, according to specifications received from the Bank, as well as the security of the device from which he/she accesses the Home’Bank service. c) assumes full responsibility for the correctness and completeness of Authorized Instructions, including of data entered and transactions ordered electronically. d) undertakes to inform the Bank immediately, without unjustified delay, when an unauthorized person has become aware of the Security Credentials or that they have been lost or stolen or used without right, according to art. 8.1 below. e) undertakes not to copy, sell, rent or alienate in any way or allow the use by unauthorized persons of the Home’Bank service or of the Security Credentials and not to keep the PIN Code, the User Code, the Digipass and the Password together f) undertakes to keep the confidentiality regarding the Security Credentials throughout the Contract. g) undertakes to communicate to the Bank, in the agreed ways, any change of its personal and/or contact details, including the change of the mobile phone number. After the change, all Bank's notifications in relationship to this Contract will be sent to the new contact details (including to the new mobile phone number) communicated to the Bank. Otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any potential damage caused to the Customer, and the communication sent by the Bank to the contact details registered in its records will be considered valid. h) has the obligation to submit to the Bank the authorizations/forms provided by law and/or the original documents based on which the payment operations are performed, in the event where the legislation in force provides for such obligation or if the Bank expressly requests it, according to its internal procedures. i) to use the Home’Bank service in compliance with all the provisions of this Contract; (2) The Customer expresses his/her consent for the performance of the remotely concluded Contract with the first access of the Home’Bank service, by entering the User Code, the Password and the Activation Code.


7.1 The Bank will not be liable for any type of damages arising from the unauthorized use of the Home’Bank service (whether the Security Credentials received by the Customer were lost, stolen or misused) if the Customer acted fraudulently or failed to comply with his/her contractual obligations regarding the use of the Home’Bank service and keeping of the Security Credentials, intentionally or out of gross negligence. The Customer will bear the losses related to the unauthorized payment transactions performed before the moment of communication to the Bank of the loss/theft/unauthorized use of the Security Credentials/Home’Bank service up to the amount of EUR 30 (or the equivalent in RON) or in full, depending on the nature of the customized Security Credentials used to perform operations and the situations in which they were lost, stolen or the service used without right. The Customer will bear the losses, without limit of amount, related to any unauthorized payment transactions if they result from Customer's fraud or intentional non-compliance or non-compliance out of gross negligence with one or several obligations under the Contract. If he/she did not act fraudulently, the Customer will not bear any financial consequence resulting from the use of the Home’Bank service if the Security Credentials were lost, stolen or used without right (i) after notifying the Bank on this event made in accordance with the provisions of art. 8.1 of this Contract, (ii) if the Bank does not request a Strong customer authentication, (iii) if he/she could not detect the event before making a payment, (iv) the loss was caused by an action/inaction of an employee, agent or branch of a payment service provider or an entity to which activities were outsourced, (v) the Bank did not provide him/her with the means to notify the event at any moment. 7.1.1 The Customer expresses his/her consent for the payment transactions through the Home Bank service, using one of the following ways (i) pressing the OK/Confirm/Authorize button or another button indicating the authorization/confirmation of the payment transaction, as the case may be; (ii) entering the Answer Code ; (iii) entering the Password; (iv) entering the Answer Code/Password and the SMS Code; (v) telephone confirmation of the transaction and entering the Answer Code/Password/Pressing the OK/Confirm/Authorize button. 7.1.2 The Bank is not liable for the accuracy of any information sent to the Bank by the Customer through the Home’Bank service or for verification of how the Security Credentials are used, not being required to verify the correctness or the completeness of such information or conditions. 7.1.3 The Bank is not liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer, generated by the causes specified below: (i) if the Customer is prevented from accessing the Home’Bank service at any time due to interruption or malfunction or delays in telecommunication or power supply services, which it uses through the external providers with which it has contracted these services or in connection with the Home’Bank service, when the latter is due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure event; (ii) if the information received by the Customer through the Home’Bank service is incorrect, incomplete or delayed, as a result of a situation provided in point 7.1.3 letter (i) above; (iii) the temporary impossibility to use the service during maintenance periods (technical overhaul, including service improvement), which will be announced in advance by the Bank on the website and/or through the media. 7.1.4 The Bank does not assume responsibility for operations that cannot be honored due to lack of funds or insufficient funds in the Customer's account, completion errors, erroneous or contradictory information sent by the Customer to the Bank, illegality of operations, delay in sending instructions by the Customer to the Bank, the enforceable orders of the judicial authorities, of the administrative, jurisdictional bodies, of bailiffs or state enforcement officers or of any authorities of the state competent in this respect. 7.1.5 If for reasons attributable to the Customer the Bank makes expenses or suffers losses that are related to the operation it executes under this Contract, they will be borne by the Customer. In this situation, the Bank is authorized to recover the respective amount directly from Customer's account, subject to his/her notification. 7.1.6. The Bank is not responsible for the security of devices (PCs/laptops/smartphones/tablets) from which the Customer accesses the Home’Bank service or for any type of damages/losses arising from the use of the Home’Bank service from non-secure or virus infected PCs/laptops/smartphones, smartphones or tables with changes that may affect the security of the device and/or infected with viruses. 7.1.7. The Bank's liability to the Customer is limited to damage suffered by him/her, which are a direct and necessary consequence of the Bank's failure to fulfill an obligation, in accordance with the legal and/or contractual provisions. 7.2 The Customer assumes responsibility on the safekeeping and use of the Security Credentials and on the security of devices from which he/she accesses the Home’Bank service and will bear all losses and risks arising from the disclosure of the Security Credentials or use by third parties of the Home’Bank service, under the conditions provided in art. 7.1 above. It will not be considered a violation of this clause, the case of authorized Third-Party PSPs who are allowed, under the conditions provided by law, to rely on the Bank's authentication procedures when providing payment services to the Bank's Customers, as described in the Payments Guide.


8.1 In case the Customer loses his/her Digipass and/or the other Security Credentials or they are stolen or used without right, the Customer has the obligation to notify the Bank as soon as he/she becomes aware of this circumstance, without undue delay, using the phone number +4031 406 24 64 or * 2464 or to block access to the Home Bank Platform according to art. 8.2 letters b) and c). Blocking can be done at any moment, 24/7. 8.2 (1) Blocking access to the Home’Bank platform takes place in the following cases: a) the Customer informed the Bank of the loss, destruction, theft or alienation of the Security Credentials. In this case, until the issuance of new Security Credentials, the Customer's access to the Home Bank platform is blocked; b) Wrong entry of the Code or Response Code or Password 3 times in a row; c) Wrong entry of the PIN Code 4 times in a row will block the Digipass. d) for reasons related to service security; e) if there are suspicions of fraudulent/unauthorized use of the Security Credentials; f) if necessary to protect the Customer or the Bank from possible future damages. By way of exception from letters b) and c) above, access to the Home Bank Platform will not be blocked in the following situations: (a) in case of Digipass blocking or incorrect entry 3 times in a row of the Code or the Answer Code, if the Customer has activated a Password for accessing the Home’Bank service and (b) in case of incorrect entry 3 times in a row of the Password, if the Customer does not have the Digipass blocked. (2) The Customer will not be able to perform operations in his/her accounts in the Home Bank platform if: a) the Bank restricted Customer's access to his/her account(s) in accordance with the provisions of other contracts concluded between the Customer and the Bank. In this situation, the Bank will notify the Customer in this respect at the same time with and in the way agreed for notifying the blocking of his/her account(s) (according to the provisions of necessary, the General Terms and Conditions of ING Bank); b) Establishment by the competent authorities of precautionary measures, the establishment of garnishment by the bailiff/state executor and/or other similar cases that make mandatory for the Bank to block the Customer's account(s). 8.3 In cases referred to in art. 8.2.(1) letters a)-c) the Customer will contact the Bank to unlock access to the Home Bank platform as soon as possible. Unlocking access to the Home Bank platform for cases referred to in art. 8.2 (1) letters d)-f), respectively unlocking access to the payment instrument for cases referred to in art. 8.2 (2) will take place only after the cause that led to blocking the account ceases.


9.1 This Contract is governed by and construed under the Romanian law. 9.2 The Parties will try to settle amicably any dispute arising from or in relation to their contractual relationship born based on this Contract. If amicable settlement is not possible, the parties will address the competent courts at the Bank's headquarters in Bucharest, except for the situations in which the law expressly and imperatively provides for the competence of another court. At the same time, the Customer was informed that he/she has the possibility to address the National Consumer Protection Authority or the National Bank of Romania and resort to the alternative dispute resolution procedures, as they are detailed in the specific section in the General Terms and Conditions for individuals.


10.1 This Contract is concluded for an indefinite period, following to cease by one of the following ways: a) consent of the parties; b) by termination by the Bank, by simple written notification of the Customer, effective immediately from the date mentioned in the notification, in case of Customer's failure to fulfill any obligation provided (including for failures of little significance repeated in nature); in case of failure to fulfill in due time any obligation provided, the Customer is in default by operation of law; c) if the Bank interrupts or ceases the supply of the Home’Bank service. In such situation the Bank will notify the Customer prior to interruption or provision of the service; d) unilateral termination by any party; the Bank will be able to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship, subject to prior notification of the Customer 2 months in advance, sent on paper or on another durable medium; the Customer may exercise at any moment his/her right of unilateral termination of the contractual relationship only after he/she fulfills the obligation to pay in full all his/her debts to the Bank, without invoking a reason and without additional fees/penalties, either by presenting himself/herself at the Bank or through other channels provided by the Bank. The request for unilateral termination made by the Customer does not take effect with regard to services performed or in progress.
10.2 This Contract is concluded in English and represents the English version of the Conditiile generale privind furnizarea serviciului Home’Bank pentru persoane fizice (General conditions for the provision of the home’bank service for individuals) in force at the Contract conclusion date, made available to the Customer on the ING website.
10.3 The Customer declares that he/she has read, agrees and received a copy of the Contract and of the General Terms and Conditions of the Bank and of the Payments Guide, which are an integral part of this Contract and which supplement it. In case of discrepancy between the provisions of this Contract and the General Terms and Conditions of the Bank and/or of the Payments Guide, the provisions of this Contract shall prevail. At the same time, the Customer declares that he/she has read and understood the content of the Privacy Statement annexed to and integral part of the General Terms and Conditions mentioned above, being thus informed about the rights he/she has in relation to the processing activities performed by the Bank and about the fact that complete and up-to-date information about such personal data processing activities is permanently available in any ING location or on
10.4 Unless otherwise provided herein, all notifications or any other communications between the Bank and the Customer will be made in the ways provided in the "Notifications" Chapter of ING Bank's General Terms and Conditions for individuals.
10.5. The Customer expressly and knowledgeably confirms the following: (1) he/she has analyzed and has been informed about the obligations and conditions of this Contract, including by comparison with other offers on the market and (2) concludes this Contract without being constrained in any way and understands to fulfill in full, exactly and on time his/her obligations under this Contract.
10.6. The Customer declares that he/she has read, understood and fully agrees with the Contract regarding the provision of the Home’Bank service, including and expressly with the provisions of art. 4.3, art. 5.3-5.5, art. 6.1 letters b-c, art. 6.2 (1) letters a, c and h, art. 6.2 (2), art. 7.1, art. 8.1- 8.2, art. 9, art. 10.1 and art. 10.5 of these General Conditions.